Hibernate configuration – Các thông tin cấu hình hibernate

Hibernate configuration – Các thông tin cấu hình hibernate.

Ở các ví dụ trước chúng ta sử dụng thông tin kết nối tới database như database name, password… trong file hibernate.cfg.xml, đó là các thông tin cấu hình cho hibernate.

Các thông tin này thường đặt trong file hibernate.cfg.xml hoặc hoặc, ở bài này chúng ta sẽ tìm hiểu một số các tham số khác dùng để cấu hình hibernate.

Hibernate configuration – Các thông tin cấu hình hibernate

Hibernate Properties

Các tham số cấu hình Hibernate JDBC Properties
hibernate.connection.driver_class The JDBC driver class
hibernate.connection.url URL kết nối tới database.
hibernate.connection.username  Tên tài khoản dùng để kết nối tới database
hibernate.connection.password  Mật khẩu của tài khoản kết nối tới database
hibernate.connection.pool_size Giới hạn số kết nối trong hibernate connection pool.
Hibernate Datasource Properties
hibernate.connection.datasource datasource JNDI name
hibernate.jndi.url URL của the JNDI provider
hibernate.jndi.class Class của JNDI InitialContextFactory
hibernate.connection.username database user
hibernate.connection.password database user password
Hibernate Configuration Properties
hibernate.dialect Dialect dùng để  đánh dấu loại database sử dụng để hibernate tạo ra SQL cho phù hợp. (e.g. com.mysql.jdbc.Driver)
 hibernate.show_sql Ghi tất cả các câu truy vấn SQL ra console hoặc file log (e.g. true|false)
 hibernate.format_sql Định dạng câu SQL được ghi ra ở console/log  (e.g. true|false)
 hibernate.default_schema Qualify unqualified table names with the given schema/tablespace in generated SQL. (e.g. SCHEMA_NAME)
 hibernate.default_catalog Qualifies unqualified table names with the given catalog in generated SQL. (e.g. CATALOG_NAME)
hibernate.session_factory_name The org.hibernate.SessionFactory will be automatically bound to this name in JNDI after it has been created. (e.g. jndi/composite/name)
 hibernate.max_fetch_depth Sets a maximum “depth” for the outer join fetch tree for single-ended associations (one-to-one, many-to-one). A 0 disables default outer join fetching. (e.g. recommended values between 0 and 3)
 hibernate.default_batch_fetch_size  Kích thước mặc định cho hibernate batch (e.g. khuyên dùng 4,8,16)
 hibernate.default_entity_mode  Mode mặc định cho entity representation cho tất cả các session được mở từ sessionFactory, mặc định là pojo (e.g. dynamic-map| pojo)
 hibernate.order_updates Forces Hibernate to order SQL updates by the primary key value of the items being updated. This will result in fewer transaction deadlocks in highly concurrent systems. (e.g. true | false)
hibernate.generate_statistics  If enabled, Hibernate will collect statistics useful for performance tuning. (e.g. true | false)
hibernate.use_identifier_rollback  Nếu kích hoạt, giá trị id được tạo sẽ được reset về giá trị mặc định khi đối tượng bị xóa (e.g. true | false)
hibernate.use_sql_comments  Nếu kích hoạt, hibernate sẽ generate comment bên trong SQL để debug dễ hơn, mặc định là false (e.g. true | false)  Liên quan tới việc sử dụng @GeneratedValue, nó cho biết liệu việc cài đặt IdentifierGenerator có sử dụng cho javax.persistence.GenerationType.AUTO, javax.persistence.GenerationType.TABLE,

javax.persistence.GenerationType.SEQUENCE hay không, mặc định là false(e.g. true | false)

Hibernate JDBC and Connection Properties
hibernate.jdbc.fetch_size A non-zero value determines the JDBC fetch size (calls Statement.setFetchSize()).
hibernate.jdbc.batch_size  A non-zero value enables use of JDBC2 batch updates by Hibernate. e.g. recommended values between 5 and 30
hibernate.jdbc.batch_versioned_data  Set this property to true if your JDBC driver returns correct row counts from executeBatch(). It is usually safe to turn this option on. Hibernate will then use batched DML for automatically versioned data. Defaults to false. (e.g. true | false)
hibernate.jdbc.factory_class  Select a custom org.hibernate.jdbc.Batcher. Most applications will not need this configuration property. (e.g. classname.of.BatcherFactory)
hibernate.jdbc.use_scrollable_resultset  Enables use of JDBC2 scrollable resultsets by Hibernate. This property is only necessary when using user-supplied JDBC connections. Hibernate uses connection metadata otherwise. (e.g. true | false)
hibernate.jdbc.use_streams_for_binary  Use streams when writing/reading binary or serializable types to/from JDBC. *system-level property* (e.g. true | false)
hibernate.jdbc.use_get_generated_keys  Enables use of JDBC3 PreparedStatement.getGeneratedKeys() to retrieve natively generated keys after insert. Requires JDBC3+ driver and JRE1.4+, set to false if your driver has problems with the Hibernate identifier generators. By default, it tries to determine the driver capabilities using connection metadata. (e.g. true|false)
hibernate.connection.provider_class  The classname of a custom org.hibernate.connection.ConnectionProvider which provides JDBC connections to Hibernate. (e.g. classname.of.ConnectionProvider)

Hibernate configuration – Các thông tin cấu hình

hibernate.connection.isolation  Sets the JDBC transaction isolation level. Check java.sql.Connection for meaningful values, but note that most databases do not support all isolation levels and some define additional, non-standard isolations. (e.g. 1, 2, 4, 8)
hibernate.connection.autocommit  Enables autocommit for JDBC pooled connections (it is not recommended). (e.g. true | false)
hibernate.connection.release_mode  Specifies when Hibernate should release JDBC connections. By default, a JDBC connection is held until the session is explicitly closed or disconnected. For an application server JTA datasource, use after_statement to aggressively release connections after every JDBC call. For a non-JTA connection, it often makes sense to release the connection at the end of each transaction, by using after_transaction. auto will choose after_statement for the JTA and CMT transaction strategies and after_transaction for the JDBC transaction strategy. (e.g. auto (default) | on_close | after_transaction | after_statement)
hibernate.connection.<propertyName>  Pass the JDBC property <propertyName> to DriverManager.getConnection().
hibernate.jndi.<propertyName>  Pass the property <propertyName> to the JNDI InitialContextFactory.
Hibernate Cache Properties
hibernate.cache.provider_class The classname of a custom CacheProvider. (e.g. classname.of.CacheProvider)
 hibernate.cache.use_minimal_puts Optimizes second-level cache operation to minimize writes, at the cost of more frequent reads. This setting is most useful for clustered caches and, in Hibernate, is enabled by default for clustered cache implementations.(e.g. true|false)
hibernate.cache.use_query_cache  Enables the query cache. Individual queries still have to be set cachable. (e.g. true|false)
 hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache Can be used to completely disable the second level cache, which is enabled by default for classes which specify a <cache> mapping.
(e.g. true|false)
 hibernate.cache.query_cache_factory The classname of a custom QueryCache interface, defaults to the built-in StandardQueryCache. (e.g. classname.of.QueryCache)
 hibernate.cache.region_prefix A prefix to use for second-level cache region names. (e.g. prefix)
 hibernate.cache.use_structured_entries Forces Hibernate to store data in the second-level cache in a more human-friendly format. (e.g. true|false)
 hibernate.cache.auto_evict_collection_cache  Enables the automatic eviction of a bi-directional association’s collection cache when an element in the ManyToOne collection is added/updated/removed without properly managing the change on the OneToMany side. e.g. true|false (default: false)
 hibernate.cache.default_cache_concurrency_strategy  Setting used to give the name of the default org.hibernate.annotations.CacheConcurrencyStrategy to use when either @Cacheable or @Cache is used. @Cache(strategy=”..”) is used to override this default.
Hibernate Transaction Properties
hibernate.transaction.factory_class The classname of a TransactionFactory to use with Hibernate Transaction API (defaults to JDBCTransactionFactory).e.g. classname.of.TransactionFactory
 jta.UserTransaction  A JNDI name used by JTATransactionFactory to obtain the JTA UserTransaction from the application server. (e.g. jndi/composite/name)
 hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class  The classname of a TransactionManagerLookup. It is required when JVM-level caching is enabled or when using hilo generator in a JTA environment. (e.g. classname.of.TransactionManagerLookup)
 hibernate.transaction.flush_before_completion If enabled, the session will be automatically flushed during the before completion phase of the transaction. Built-in and automatic session context management is preferred (e.g. true | false)
 hibernate.transaction.auto_close_session If enabled, the session will be automatically closed during the after completion phase of the transaction. Built-in and automatic session context management is preferred (e.g. true | false)
Các thuộc tính khác
hibernate.current_session_context_class Tùy chỉnh phạm vi cho session hiện tại (e.g. jta | thread | managed | custom.Class)
 hibernate.query.factory_class Chọn cài đặt cho HQL parser (e.g. org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.ASTQueryTranslatorFactory or org.hibernate.hql.internal.classic.ClassicQueryTranslatorFactory)
 hibernate.query.substitutions  (e.g. hqlLiteral=SQL_LITERAL, hqlFunction=SQLFUNC) Tự động validate hoặc export schema DDL khi SessionFactory được tạo. Với create-drop thì database schedule sẽ bị xóa khi SessionFactory bị đóng. (e.g. validate | update | create | create-drop)
 hibernate.hbm2ddl.import_files Chứa các file sql (phân cách bởi dấu phẩy) được thực thi khi SessionFactory được tạo. (e.g. abc.sql, import.sql)
 hibernate.hbm2ddl.import_files_sql_extractor The classname of a custom ImportSqlCommandExtractor (defaults to the built-in SingleLineSqlCommandExtractor). This is useful for implementing dedicated parser that extracts single SQL statements from each import file. Hibernate provides also MultipleLinesSqlCommandExtractor which supports instructions/comments and quoted strings spread over multiple lines (mandatory semicolon at the end of each statement). (e.g. classname.of.ImportSqlCommandExtractor)
 hibernate.bytecode.use_reflection_optimizer Enables the use of bytecode manipulation instead of runtime reflection. This is a System-level property and cannot be set in hibernate.cfg.xml. Reflection can sometimes be useful when troubleshooting. Hibernate always requires javassist even if you turn off the optimizer. (e.g. true | false)
 hibernate.bytecode.provider  Hiện tại, javassist chỉ hỗ trợ bytecote. (e.g. javassist)

Hibernate configuration – Các thông tin cấu hình hibernate
